Using experiential learning design, I partnered with Maurice to bring a virtual class of Collaborative Game Design and Application in Education to life. Our students highly enjoyed the class activities and gained a deeper understanding of collaboration education.
Team Project
Members: Xin Qiu (Joust/Activity Design), Maurice Boothe Jr. (Campfire/Discussion Hosting)
Collaboration: brainstorming, content selection and class design, gameplay iteration, facilitating online collaborative reading, organizing virtual class
Game-based learning | Experiential learning | Game mechanics | Collaboration | Virtual classroom | 21st-century skills | Online reading forum
Tool: Perusals | Zoom | Google Doc | Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Priming students with interactive reading
We not only assigned two carefully selected reading materials to our students but also held an asynchronous discussion in Perusall and a synchronous campfire in the virtual classroom. We actively hosted the interactive reading to encourage them to bring their own prior knowledge to the table.
Tailoring commercial game for learning purpose
I redesigned a collaborative game - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes - into a group game highlighting the different aspects of collaboration. I added rules and roles, separated the gameplay into several phases to fit our learning objectives.
Evaluating through personal reflection
We guided them to elaborate on what they learned from the readings and games to benefit their future educational game design and instructional design. This allowed them to integrate the conceptual knowledge to their episodic memory.
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